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A Blog with a Conscience
Thursday, May 29, 2003
Reality TV
What is it that attracts normally intelligent, thoughtful people to this type of show? I've read that many people find these shows so fascinating because they reveal the multi-faceted aspects of human nature. I tend to think it's more the tittilation of voyeurism, and the morbid curiosity that goes with watching people's raw human emotion and response to adrenaline pumping scenarios. It's like a train wreck that you just can't look away from.
Now, this isn't an academic or intellectual commentary. I'm not looking to list and deconstruct each and every reality tv show. I'm simply stating why I personally find reality tv so incredibly abhorrant. Having said that, let's first just take a look at a few show titles: Who wants to marry a millionaire, Big Brother, Greed, Survivor, American Idol, The Chair, and god let's not leave out The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. I don't think I need to point out the Orwellian overtones here; the shows pretty much do that on their own. What DOES concern me, is that as a country, especially after 911, we are moving more and more towards a surveillance nation. And what's worse is that we're actually rewarding people for being surveilled!! Hey, let us video tape you 24/7, and maybe you'll win a million dollars! That scares the hell out of me, and quite frankly, far more alarming is that NO ONE ELSE seems to get it! These shows enjoy immense popularity; there's chat boards, web sites, fan sites, you name it. Has anyone actually reviewed The Patriot Act? It specifically allows for "enhanced surveillance procedures" (Title II, sections 201-225) Basically, this let's US intelligence to tap into your phone, your email account, your library card, your bank account or anything else without a warrant. I can't tell you how ironic I find the titles of these shows as it relates to losing our anonymity as individuals.
I also find it singularly indicative of our narcissistic culture that we actually have to put our lazy, privileged American asses on an island with no water or food to get a taste of "reality." While we're all sitting around having these vicarious epiphanies about what it would be like to "lose it all" on a remote island somewhere, thousands of Ugandans are being slaughtered in an ethnic cleansing that hasn't even been publicized on our air waves. While that insipid idiot on Joe Millionaire is experiencing a crisis of conscience because he's lying his sorry ass off to a bunch of money hungry, shallow women, we've got Israeli's bulldozing over a young American woman protesting the demolition of a Palestinian doctor's home. And killing her. And we don't hear about any of this......could it be that we're too busy watching The Bachelor????.......
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
What the hell is IFeminism?......or,
Libertarian feminism for a new world order.

Here's a quick definition for those of you who actually thought I misspelled the word in my introduction. Individualist feminism, or ifeminism, advocates the equal treatment of men and women as individuals under just law. The core principle of individualist feminism is that all human beings have a moral and legal claim to their own persons and property. For a more detailed def visit Let me submit a small caveat here...I neither identify myself as wholly Libertarian, nor IFeminist. They are simply concepts that come closest to my paradigm. And yes, the irony of my blatantly contradictory statements is not lost on me. In my world, I CAN have it both ways!
Some common questions:
Sometimes the inequality works to women's advantage, as in affirmative action laws. Do you oppose them as well?
Yes. Equality means neither privilege nor oppression. Besides which, it hardly benefits women to have a paternalistic state treat them as children or "lesser" human beings who need state assistance to become equal. Now, let's also keep with reality here. I'm covered with bruises from continually bouncing off the corporate glass ceiling so yes, I personally do believe that for now, the sad truth is that we have to have some form of government intervention in order to level the playing field. The libertarian point of view is incredibly idealistic but in theory, is correct.
Opposing affirmative action and defending property rights is generally associated with conservatives. Isn't ifeminism just conservative feminism?
Oh you're going to love this answer. Many conservatives are uncomfortable with the way ifeminism embraces radical civil liberties. For example, ifeminism calls for the decriminalization of prostitution and pornography. To an ifeminist, there is no schism between economic and civil liberties. They are both expressions of an individual's right to use her own body and property in any peaceful manner she chooses. Like the legalization of drugs, victimless crime, people. Seriously, get your fucking laws off my body.
What is the ifeminist position on gun ownership?
Ifeminism supports the right of individuals to defend against violence. Firearms are a legitimate tool of self-defense. Firearms have been widely referred to as "the great equalizer" because they give individuals who would otherwise make attractive targets the ability to defend themselves against more powerful attackers. Many women (as well as men) have successfully used firearms to ward off attacks against themselves and others, sometimes without ever discharging the weapon. Again, people, keep this in mind. Criminals prefer unarmed victims. Now does this mean I'm against gun regulation? Hell no! What business does anybody have weilding an AK-47 around?? Seriously.
I think that's enough for you to chomp on for now. Keep the peace.
Here's a little bit about why I too am choosing to express myself through a blog. I've discovered I have alot to say, and no one to say it to. So I'm posting it for the world to see. You'll find a range of topics here, from the political to the personal, ifeminism, office politics, imperialism and conspiracy theories. You might even find a little bit about religion thrown in here and there. And you might even find something here that actually offends you. Good. That shows that you actually have a brain in your head, and you're using it. Congratulations.

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