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A Blog with a Conscience
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Ok, now I'm REALLY Pissed

So I asked my boss out to coffee to explain to him that there might be times i have to miss a meeting, or may not make it to a company function because I had to get home to my baby. No surprise there, the significant other has appointments and gigs too, so we have to work together on these things. Plus, I think putting in ten hour days is probably pretty reasonable...but.....I almost had to miss a completely inane meeting once and got a few mixed messages out of the whole ordeal. So here I am, tripping over my words, spluttering about how I'm really comitted to my job and how does my boss feel about working moms (now, keep in mind, I watched the only other working mother get pushed out because she spent too much time with her daughter...)so my paranoia about losing my job because i miss a meeting here and there isn't so far fetched. Now keep in mind, I've never missed a meeting to date. Yet somehow I worry about losing my job because of family responsibilities...Long story short, my boss looks at me and says, "well, X on the team has three kids, you're not in a unique situation." Ok first of all, X is a dad. I'd say by virtue of having a vagina I'm pretty damn unique. Second of all, what the fuck kind of an answer is that? I'm not in a unique situation? You've got to be fucking kidding me! When i lamely explained that I feel responsible for my baby in a different way than her dad because, after all, I was solely responsible for her existance for 40 weeks prior to birth...and then I was her ONLY food yeah, I'd say that makes me a little more unique than the sperm donor. And don't get me wrong; my husband is the primary caretaker. He stays home with the girl and does an exceptional job. But I'm her MOMMY. And I'm guessing working dad over here doesn't feel guilty about pulling late hours to advance his career. I mean, after all, that's what men do. And I don't give a rat's ass what the feminists say; women can't have it all and do a good job everywhere. I sure as hell am not pulling long hours, coming up with brilliant ideas. Christ, I can hardly get through my email! And guess what? Daddy X does all of the above!! So don't tell me I'm "not in a unique situation" especially when A) you're a man, and B) you'll NEVER have kids. (for reasons I won't disclose, but trust kids in this man's future. Maybe a Shitsu.) That's it. I'm done.

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